Voyage of the Little Mermaid Billboard Removed After Rumors of Permanent Closure

Caitlyn Burke

The Voyage of the Little Mermaid Billboard had been removed after rumors of it permanently closing. Many guests noticed today that the sign had been taken down the night before. Loads of rumors about the show’s closure began after Disney announced that live performances would not be returning. The attraction also did not have any social distancing markers throughout the queue unlike all of the other venues that house live performances.

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Many fans have been calling for a redo of the attraction because many feel that the show is outdated. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Disney has permanently closed several attractions as a result of lost revenue. Most live performers have not been called back because of the precautions that Disney is taking within the parks to keep both the guests and Cast Member safe.

There has been no official confirmation by Disney about the attraction’s permanent closure, but the removal of the billboard only adds to the speculation.

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The replacement of the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ live show in addition to the billboard removal points to an unknown future for live entertainment at Hollywood Studios. We’ll keep you updated on any further information regarding the attraction.

What would you like to see replace Voyage of the Little Mermaid? Or how would you revamp the ride? Let us know what you think!

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