Say Goodbye to “Illuminations,” But Say Hello to “HarmoniUS”

Just Disney

Although “Illuminations” is ending September 30th, fans can rejoice at the upcoming new nighttime spectacular coming to Epcot to take its place. When “Illuminations” ends, it will be briefly replaced by “Epcot Forever,” that will run through mid-2020 (the goal is in May, pending any delays). Once that ends, we are all in for one of the most emotionally-moving changes to the park with the debut of “HarmoniUS.” 

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Already taking the title as the biggest nighttime spectacle ever prepared for any Disney park, Disney isn’t holding back on building the hype around the show’s incredible features. Featuring composer Pinar Toprak, “HarmoniUS” will circulate around re-recordings of popular music from across the entire Disney universe, set to moving fountains, lights, pyrotechnics, lasers, LED panels, and floating set pieces. The show will revolve around the concept that Disney music inspires around the world and brings everyone together.

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