Why is it so bad for littles to want to be princesses? They actually totally rock and have a lot to show us about being good people.

Have you ever heard that saying ‘everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten’? I would venture to say that everything you need to know can be learned from a Disney princess and her story.
Sure, they have their flaws, but all characters do. Disney princesses are kind, loyal, and resourceful; among other things- and I would be ecstatic if my children followed in the footsteps of Disney’s princesses and more.
As Disney’s first princess, Snow White taught us how to be friendly, no matter what. Cinderella later taught us that forgiveness is a powerful tool in surviving trauma. Aurora reminded us that love doesn’t always come from those who are related by blood. 30 years later, Ariel illustrated what it looks like to be true to yourself and remain committed to a goal. Belle presented as a book smart girl who was loyal, curious, and thought for herself. Jasmine came along to show us that independence and courage are just as important as being adventurous and open-minded. Pocahontas emphasizes the importance of compromise and diplomacy. Mulan goes to an extreme length to prove her love, loyalty, and honor for her family. Tiana represents diligence and caution. Rapunzel highlights fun , trust, and wit. Merida exhibits what it’s like breaking the mold. Moana is headstrong. Anna and Elsa show us how to handle sorrow, how to find ourselves, and how important family is. Vanellope (Glitch) also proves that you don’t have to be frilly and marry a prince to exhibit the qualities of a princess.
Not only do these strong female leads teach audiences about how to be good people, we also get cautionary advice with the villains. Beware of strangers, think before over-sharing, look for people who may follow you, don’t trust everyone, men don’t save you, don’t accept gifts from people you don’t know, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is, keep your family close, and cherish moments.
Sure, many of these characters are naive and oversimplify and overdramatize – but who didn’t at their age – as most were teenagers! We know better and we do better- but these characters show us that women can be themselves and that people can be themselves and it will be ok- because it is going to be ok if you stay true to who you are and dare to dream.
To further emphasize this, Disneyland Paris has had a Princess & Pirate season with one of their princess shows leading a song ‘Princess Power’ highlighting that princesses have a lot of power to do good in the world and should use their power for good.
Disney even had a ‘Dream Big Princess’ campaign several years ago with commercial spots on the Disney Channel specifically illuminating the positive role that princesses can play in the lives of our young children. Ultimately, princesses show everyone how to be kind and loving, loyal and brave, honest and smart- and don’t we all want that for our kids?!
If you totally love this theme, you can even find out which princess you are by taking a short quiz!