Recently, the creators of the ABC series Once Upon A Time Eddie Kitsis and Andy Horowitz have teamed up with series writer Brigette Hales to develop a new Disney Fairytale series that will graciously live up to the popularity of the former hit series.
The name of this new series in development is Epic (literally). Epic is a romantic anthology series that is set in a fairytale universe themed around the famous Disney tales. It will be set in an Enchanted Forest; however, unlike the former series, it will focus on a group of new heroes, as well as new villains and other magical characters.
While this new series will still make efforts to pay respects to the old series by means of exposing to viewers to the fairytales they grew up with, Epic will also introduce many new characters who will illustrate love, sadness, envy, and other emotions in all sorts of strange forms.
The discovery of the development of this new series came through a while after the development of Katsis’ and Horowitz’s Muppets Live Another Day was halted and discontinued by Disney. The two creators will co-executive produce the series, with Brigette Hales overseeing as show-runner, while also working on their Apple TV+ series, Amazing Stories.