Know Before You Go: Gaiters Not Allowed In Disney Parks

Abbie Campbell

Walt Disney World is set to reopen with limited capacity beginning on July 11th. Those who wish to enter the parks must wear masks along with following many new guidelines and restrictions. You can’t just wear any type of mask into the park however, for Disney is only allowing guests to wear ear loop masks. Guests wearing gaiter masks (as shown below) will not be granted access into the parks unless they find an ear loop alternative. All guest over the age of two must wear face coverings.

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Surgical, N95, and homemade cloth masks are fine, as long as they have ear loops. Those ear looped gaiters have been able to get into he parks, but bring another mask just in case. There are face masks vending machines for guests who do not have proper face coverings. Purchasing one through the machine cost $2 with each masks coming out individually wrapped.

Visiting Walt Disney’s “Know Before You Go” Section on their website brings up more information regarding proper face coverings. Guests should keep these guidlines in mind before going to to Parks.

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Credit: Disney Parks

For park previews today, we visited Animal Kingdom. Crowds were obviously a fraction of their normal size and all visitors were wearing masks. See what it was like down in the video down below!

Keep checking back for more information about Walt Disney World’s Re-opening!

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Abbie is a college student studying media communications . She wishes to spread the magic of Disney by writing with JustDisney. When shes's not writing, she likes to paint, stay active, and spend time with her family and friends.
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