Grab your Friends, an Onward Roleplaying Adventure Game cometh soon!

Melissa Fulks

Draw your pencils a new Onward role-playing game is coming! Onward is full of magic, adventure and epic quests! So, it only makes sense that a game is developed from the idea of it! Quests of Yore: Barley’s Edition is coming February 2021.

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Credit: USAopoly

Quests of Yore are set in the Onward storyline, but in the past when magic was a dominant feature in the world. Roleplaying games allow for creativity and imagination to come to life and allow you to be immersive in the story. The Manticore is a large focal point of this game, however, she will be in her prime in this timeline, and definitely not settling for anything less than a grand adventure.

Credit: Disney/Pixar

The “Barley’s Edition” portion of the title of this game is because throughout the game Barley will leave notes and nudges towards how to be immersive, confident, and of course, to have fun! For those new to role-playing games this would be a great way to begin! The starting age to play is recommended at 8 years old, so it’s a game the entire family can enjoy! It allows for 2-5 players, allowing you to choose the size of your group.

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Credit: disney/pixar/usaopoly

The game includes a lot of details that fans and Dungeon Masters of Dungeons and Dragons would enjoy. Including 3 sets of Polyhedral Dice, 6 miniatures, and a Game Master screen. The game also includes a game-specific guide book, character sheets, spell cards, and more! The game is still in development but is available for pre-order at $49.99. You can order from or check your local game stores!

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I'm Melissa! Disney is a huge part of my family and I love having the opportunity to share my love for Disney with all of you! I spend most of my time with my family and all my fur babies.
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