“The Mandalorian” star Gina Carano, who has played bounty hunter Cara Dune for the first two seasons, has been let go according to LucasFilms. Gina Carano is “not currently employed by Lucasfilm,” the company said in a statement Wednesday after controversy flared over the star’s social media posts.
In November, Carano drew heat for her social media posts regarding masks, voter fraud among other political and social topics. On Tuesday, Carano faced backlash again after a slew of similar posts that she later deleted. Many users on Twitter began using the hashtag #FireGinaCarano, tagging accounts for Disney, Disney Plus, “Star Wars” and Lucasfilm demanding that Carano be dropped from “The Mandalorian.”
In a statement on Wednesday, a Lucasfilm spokesperson said the following: “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.” (via io9)
One of Disney’s hottest products will now likely begin their search to recasting the character prior to the upcoming season (December, 2021). The character Cara Dune first appeared in Episode 4 (Chapter 4: Sanctuary) and was apart of 7 episodes and appeared to be prime to continue in a leading role as the show continued. As of Wednesday night, Carano has yet to make a statement.
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