Gary Sinise Takes 1750 Family Members of Fallen US Soldiers to WDW

Just Disney

Gary Sinise and his foundation have once again made some amazing, heart-warming Christmas magic at Walt Disney World for some very special, deserving families.

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The annual “Snowball Express” by the Gary Sinise Foundation has escorted 1700 fallen US soldier’s surviving family members in tribute to spend 5 days at “The Most Magical Place on Earth.”

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“Each December, we host a five-day experience for 1,750+ children of the fallen and their surviving parent or guardian,” the foundation’s website says. “As a therapeutic retreat with a blend of fun and inspiring programs, these families can lean on their peers for support.”

Twitter: @GarySinise

American Airlines partnered with the foundation to transport all participating family members to Orlando. The Gary Sinise Foundation also hosts other events throughout the year outside the “Snowball Express.”

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His amazing efforts each year make dreams come true for families who have lost someone who served in combat protecting our country. The trip has over 1,000 Gold Star children, along with their guardians, making over 1,750 participating in the trip.

We hope these families have an amazing trip and thank them for their sacrifice. Join Just Disney in thanking them in the comments and over on social media!

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