90s Babies Rejoice! Your Favorite Games Are Back!

Just Disney

1993 and 1994 were great, but everyone knows that video games of the time were greater. Now we will get the chance to play our favorites again, except this time we don't have to go find a Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis to relive the magic! 

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Sources confirmed this week "Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and Lion King" will be released in both digital and hard copies for almost every gaming unit currently on the market: PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. 

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This will be available Oct. 29th and price is $30. 

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Did you play these? Do you remember them? Were you not alive yet and can't wait for your turn to experience these for the first time? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and on Just Disney's social media! 


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